Lucidis is a unique EDOF that delivers good vision throughout all distances free from glare and halos and have good contrast sensitivity. Lucidis results are up to the expectation. The patient receives excellent continuity for near to intermediate vision with the unique EDOF design. Lucidis meets patient’s satisfaction levels for near, intermediate and distance vision. If the patient wants to be relatively spectacle free and wants to drive at night, the Swiss Made EDOF IOL, Lucidis, has become lens of choice.


Lucidis is an advanced refractive EDOF IOL designed to correct the vision post cataract surgery. Developed and manufactured entirely in Switzerland, it offers patients an excellent balance between a wide visual accommodation range and a high-quality vision. Lucidis integrates the EDOF technology Instant Focus built into its aspheric optical center surrounded by its refractive outer surface.
As a result, the loss of light and dysphotopsia remain within close range of a monofocal lens. In addition, the visual accommodation expands from the near continuously up to the distance vision providing the patient an extra level of visual comfort. The closed loop haptic design enfolds the platform of Lucidis providing a stable fit in the capsular bag.

Lucidis is an advanced refractive EDOF IOL designed to correct the vision post cataract surgery. Developed and manufactured entirely in Switzerland, it offers patients an excellent balance between a wide visual accommodation range and a high quality of vision. To achieve such characteristics, Lucidis integrates the EDOF technology Instant Focus built around a refractive optical surface.

As a result, the loss of light and dysphotopsia remains within close range of a monofocal lens. In addition, the visual accommodation expands from the near vision continuously up to the distance vision providing an extra level of visual comfort for the patient. The closed loop haptic design enfolds the platform of Lucidis providing a stable fit in the capsular bag.


Instant Focus is a unique patented optical technology designed to replace the accommodative function of the natural lens. This technology enables to extend the depth of focus characterized by a constant resolution and peak of light intensity. This peak of light is obtained through constructive light wave interference concept generated by an aspheric surface in the center of the lens.

The resulting beam of light is called Pseudo-Nondiffracting Beam (PNDB). A Diffracting Beam starts diverging from the focal point, whereas a PNDB starts diverging after some distance. For Lucidis the PNDB is calculated to cover the near-intermediate vision continuously towards the distance vision.